Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Khon Kaen

It's an awesome thing to have good friends in so many places. One of those great friends, Mikey "Daddy" Aguilar, has been living in a city named Kohn Kaen that is located in the northeast of Thailand for just shy of a year now. He is and has been doing amazing things for Thai people with a non-profit organization and thus has become fairly well established and respected within his surrounding community.
After our relaxing and unexpectedly extended stay on the island of Koh Chang, we headed back to Bangkok via bus (6 hours) and then immediately transferred to another bus (6 hours) leading up to Mikey's place in the province of Isaan. And I can easily say that the travelling time was well worth it. We were well aware that most likely never again would we be able to travel to this area of Thailand so comfortably (considering we had Mikey as our guide).

Mikey lives in a home provided by his organization with 3 other women. They are all great girls and we really appreciated their hospitality. When we arrived, there was a guest bed set up on the second floor. Below, you can see the set up (the bed is in the mosquito net):

Mikey's bedroom:

View from the second story:

Mikey's balcony:

Downstairs office/living room:


Living room:

Backyard/laundry room:

Mikey's retarded miniature roosters that crow every morning at 3am instead of dawn

By far, the best part of our trip up north was our time with Mikey's next door neighbors. Easily, the most hospitable, kind, and easy going group of people I have had the pleasure of meeting. Truly heart warming to just be in their presence. Matty D attempted to return their many favors by providing the jams.

This is a view of Mikey's house from the neighbor's

The jar below has been filled with a number of medicinal roots and around 3 or 4 bottles of rice whiskey. This tactic not only makes the turpentine-like rice whiskey taste a lot better but also helps prevent hangovers.


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