Friday, January 8, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

Angkor Wat

Our final destination within Cambodia was the city of Siem Reap which lies closest to the temples of Angkor Wat. The temples turned out to be truly amazing. The best way to describe the experience is by recommending you watch the Jungle Book and slow-mo during Mogley's visit to King Louie's temple ruins hideout.

Unfortunately, I had left the battery charger for my camera back in Korea and thus was only able to take a limited amount of pictures at this point in our journey.

Mountain-top temples

The Killing Fields

After taking a long bus ride up to Rach Gia, a border city between Vietnam and Cambodia, we set out on a slow boat up the Mekong Delta into Cambodia. Our arrival destination was the city of Phenom Pein. From the city, we made a day trip to "the Killing FIelds" near by. It is a mass grave sight where thousands of men, women, and children were ruthlessly murdered during a genocide that occurred between the Khmer Rouge's four year occupation (75-79). A horrible but necessary place to visit. Being at the site combined with realizing how relatively recent this all happened provided a lot of insight as to where and why Cambodia stands today.

As a memorial to the dead, this stupa was built and filled with the bones and skulls of the victims found in the graves.

Mass graves grown over with grass.