Sunday, September 28, 2008


This is the alley directly in front of Nick's Apartment. Nick's entry-way can be see off to the right just past the white van.

This is me posing for the camera in an attempt to look hard at work. I am sitting in Nick's very small one bedroom apartment. Seriously, wait until I post some photos of my place....Nick kind of got the shaft on this one.

This is a snapshot from a major highway that Nick and I must walk each day to get to one another's place.
This is the skyline that can be found all accross Korea for reasons yet unknown. There are large series of building complexes all over the place. Each one of the buildings typically has a number, an advertiser, and sometimes an asian cartoon character. At first glance they appear to be government projects. Just to note, I have not yet seen one single family detached home in Korea.
Pizza tour deserves some major love. The spicy chicken pizza for just 8,500 Won was off the charts. We'll definitely be back for the shellfish deluxe.

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