Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dongdaemun Skatepark

For the day of the Gyeonggi Province's school superintendent election, all schools within the province were given the day off (Wednesday). So, Carillo and I decided to go on a giant skateboard mission to search and destroy as many skateparks as possible within Seoul......Well we made it to one. This notion is not because of our laziness or the distance between parks, rather it was due to the fact that Dongdaemun skatepark was so much fun.

My pictures won't do it justice but this park is outstanding. There were stairs, interchangeable handrails, boxes, quartepipes, a bank, two concrete bowls, a winding river gap, and all legdes in the park were lined with metal coping.

We didn't get that much footy that day (cuz we never film, cuz we're not that good) but we did manage to get one clip of me suckin it up at bowl-riding.

1 comment:

Abel said...

carillo!! get on skype!! are you alive!!