Thursday, June 11, 2009

East Coast

Every year, the boys of Morning of Owl make a trip to a small beach located on the east coast of Korea. I'm not sure if its name is actually translated as "Dragon Fire," but that's what they were calling it all weekend. To them it is a real special place and this year, we were given the pleasure of joining them on their annual retreat. So come Friday night, all 15 of us piled into a rented van and Seung Ju's car and hit the road.

We arrived at our destination at around 3:00 AM. There was a slight drizzle occurring at the time, so we decided to delay setting up camp and just Min Bak it. A Min Bak (민박) is a type of accommodation that suits the cheap traveler. It's basically a large room with multiple blankets and rock hard pillows where everyone sleeps on the floor. The best part about Min Bak's is that there is usually never a maximum capacity. 15 people to one room = no problemo.


Seung Ju and Agnew


Owl'd is giving the thumbs up so you know it's all good.

Kimchi Pots


Base Camp

Everyone is getting their boyscout on and trying to start this fire.

Pocket was actin up so we buried him

Loading up the cooler (aka the ocean)

Saturday morning, half of the boys headed into the nearest big town (about 30 minutes away) to stock up on food for the weekend. A big BBQ was planned for that afternoon. At this time, I had no idea that I would be eating an entire pig to myself.

Here's a shot of the BBQ actually going down. Three separate grills going and all the sam-gyup-sal you could possibly EVER want.

Cho's the cook around these parts.

Night time fiesta.

Kickass leadin the boys on their fishing trip.


Local woman is using a long stick with a hook on the end to pick up seaweed in the ocean. Seaweed is big business around here.

Several areas around the beach were gated and heavily barb-wired off; this being one of them. My questioning as to why this was became far-less frequent as I began to see more and more military vehicles and soldiers present......the heavy and very close machine gun fire at 1:00 AM also helped me figure things out too.

Gone fishin.

Catch of the day

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