Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bummer Falls

Unfortunately (for this waterfall), it was deemed and will most likely always be referred to as"Bummer Falls" from within our group of friends. The inaccurate nickname for the waterfall was derived from Nick Carillo's initial reaction....saying that it was "a bummer compared to all of the other waterfalls he had seen."
After consuming large amounts of energy in restraining each of ourselves from slapping Nick for his previous comments, we were able to fully relax in the watering hole at the base of the falls.

At the end of our experience, Nick then retracted his statement and said that the waterfall was pretty fun and it was no longer a bummer to him.......but it was far too late. "Bummer Falls" is now and forever known as "Bummer Falls."

After the falls, we rode our motor bikes over to a restaurant that our local friend from our usual dining spot next to our bungalow told us to try. However, by the time we had arrived, we were too late. The large BBQ that we were informed of was finished for the day. So the restaurant's owner told us to visit her friend's restaurant across the street. Here is where we met "T," who can be seen with the similar hairstyle to Mikey below. T became an instant homey to say the least. Later that night, we would meet up with T back at his restaurant where we would then head out to White Sand Beach; the location of the largest party on the island.

Matt D, throwing down some licks at the restaurant.

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